Natural Construction Workshop - Mud Girls, Salt Spring Island 2010

Wattle and Daub Golden Ratio Hut on Saltspring Island
July 19th-23rd, 2010

This was a 5 day work-party where we had hands on experience with locally grown willow. We weaved together and created beautiful curved exterior walls of a small 1 story structure. During the workshop we learned more about the basic theories of Natural Building, from foundations to roof. We utilized natural and salvaged materials, sourced locally. Along with the weaving, these willow walls where covered with a smooth, creamy earthen plaster, which we all mixed and applied together.
I created an art piece on one of the exterior walls. It was a spiral that started as an accident or "bump" of the wall and turned out into a shell inspired in the "golden mean" (as the building was too). We had a great time together!

Mud Girls - July 2010 - Salt Spring Island