It has been a delight to observe the identity project Juliana has led the MACC Girls Club on over the past 5 weeks. Having started with blind contour drawings to a 3-d representation brought a depth to their investigation. The girls had a variety of materials to explore with traditional form of making, in order to represent their self. They are now completing Artist Statements that reveal further - who they are- watch for these on display, at Sunset Community Centre- 6810 Main Street.

This after school youth program is for girls, girls, girls! This year we are happy to announce that the continued partnership with South Asian Family Association (SAFA) will provide funding to enhance this program with weekly guest visiting artists!
MACC Girls Club will work with Something Collective our resident artists who bring media arts, doll-making, puppetry, digital storytelling and the magic of words to this after school program. In addition, participants will explore recycled book making, drawing, drum beats, hip hop and more!
SAFA is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit association with a mission to promote and enhance family values while embracing Canadian Culture and maintaining South Asian Culture and identity. SAFA aims to create opportunities for cross-cultural understanding.