Interactive Map and House Printmaking at South Hill Festival May 26, 2012

Something Collective unveiled the first interactive map for the South Hill and Sunset Communities at the South Hill Festival on May 26, 2012. Using a similar format to the mapping exercise at the Sunset CC Board Visioning meeting, the public was invited to contribute information about the neighborhood and community on a large-scale map.
As festival goers entered our Something Collective/MACC tent they were invited to choose colored sticker icons (designed by Juliana Bedoya) which represented different aspects of the neighborhood. They were:
1. Green spaces
2.Gathering places
3. Places to find information about your neighbourhood
4. Art Spaces (where you can find public art, or make art)
5. Favourite shops and restaurants
6. Play spaces
7. Bike routes
8. Traffic issues
9. Unused spaces
10. Things that need to be fixed
 11.Where you contribute/ would like to contribute to your community
12. Ideas to improved your neighbourhood
13. What you’d like to see grow
As the day went on we could see our map filling up with colorful and important information. We learned many new things about our neighborhood including community spaces we didn’t know existed and at least 5 icons were placed at Sunset CC asking for a community garden.
In addition to the large-scale map we also provided an activity where you could draw your house on a tiny styrofoam square and make a printed image. We collected dozens of prints of residents houses in the neighborhood. These prints will be included on our map.
The large-scale map will continue to be an interactive installation in Sunset CC. Come into Sunset anytime and YOU can see what has already been identified in your neighborhood. YOU can also contribute information with a note to us and we will add the appropriate icon to our ever growing picture of our neighbourhood!