The Tent (Installation Project for House Awake - Chapel Arts, December 9th 2010):
Most of my work has been developed from my relationship with the textile medium, the garment and its metaphoric power. Textiles have the potential to communicate and build complex layers of social meaning, addressing the “body politic” as it appears in subjects such as culture and identity. The Tent is an exploration through the garment and the possible social connotations of clothing as a collective unit, as a “social fabric” that also questions the material culture of contemporary society. Positioned close to the body, clothing also occupies architectural and political space. This piece has been generated from the different perceptions of the public and the private spaces we inhabit (including our garments), looking to transform our experience of architecture and our notions of home, homelessness and hope. I built a shelter out of pieces of used clothing that had meaning and functionality in relationship with the bodies that wore them once. Thanks to all the people who participated in this project donating their own clothing.
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