The Future of Community Arts in Vancouver
A display and celebration of the
future of community arts in Vancouver
Come down to the Woodward’s Atrium and mix and mingle with organizations involved with kids, youth and community art!
Time: Sat. Nov. 26 12 noon to 9pm
Place: Woodward’s Atrium, Hastings and Abbott
RSVP on Eventbrite so we can know you’re coming. Click here.
Deer Crossing the Art Farm www.deercrossingtheartfarm.orgDeer Crossing the Art Farm from the Sunshine Coast will be facilitating an activity of making cut outs of bodies and hanging around the atrium. Upcycled materials from packaging around logging trucks (!) that otherwise would go into the dump – bring your body and your creativity. We’ll have everything else you need.
Vancouver Society of Storytelling
A lovely storytelling living room -couch, tea, storyteller – what else would you want? Come and sit down for storytelling – and enjoy an intimate and low-impact arts activity.
12 noon – 3pm – art-making, theatre games and more!
King George Secondary Writers The writers group at King George Secondary have been making “pixels” – small collages with images and writing that come together to make an image where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. You can add your own “pixel” by making a mini-collage with your message about the Future of Community Arts. Then hang it up for all to see.12:00-5:00pm Purple Thistle
Thistlers will facilitate making word play collages.
Environmental Youth Alliance EYA are bringing a variety of invasive species from their gardens (and possibly English ivy from a public park). You can learn how to crochet using the invasive materials and garden tools. The activity is inspired by Sharon Kallis‘ work.
CACV Environmental Arts Activities – Our volunteers can talk with you about the projects we’ve done – and plan to do while you watch some of the examples on the video screen in the Atrium.
Some Assembly Arts Society (as Roundhouse Youth Theatre Group)
will facilitate improv theatre and games – we want a large group so come on out!Something Collective
This artists collective from South Vancouver will facilitate an “Exquisite corpse”. What’s an exquisite corpse? Think surrealism. of Dreams Murals Society
in cooperation with the False Creek Watershed Society and St. George Greenway will encourage you to make a silver salmon. Take it home. Give it to a stranger. Display it in the atrium. Your choice.
False Creek Watershed Society
St. George Creek & Greenway >www.mtpleasantwatershed/
1:30-3:00pm Van Van the Chinatown BIA’s Mascot will be there to met and greet you.
2:30-3pm 65th BIRTHDAY CAKE
Meet the Community Arts Council of Vancouver – Join CACV Board members for a walkabout and enjoy a slice of birthday cake (vegan carrot cake – yum!) too.
Arts Umbrella will have a display of their programs with kids and youthGreen Thumb Theatre will provide school house structures for kids to decorate – part of their campaign with the Vancouver School Board to restore Carleton House School. Read the Vancouver Sun story about this project.
Urban Native Youth Association – Overly Creative Minds Program
Drumming, some art pieces/artisan pieces for sale
W2 has helped us set up video presentations on the Atrium video machines.
A special meal will be available at W2 Media Cafe- $7 gives you vegan or meat flatbread with salad.
W2 are also “baking us a cake” – Vegan carrot cake – coming up – come by at 3pm and have a slice – singing Happy Birthday appreciated but optional!
Want to get involved? Please contact to let us know how you’d like to be involved.
Tell your friends on Facebook: Facebook Event
Meet others who are passionate about young people engaged with community arts:
Community Arts in Vancouver: the Future
Follow us on twitter: @ArtsFutureYVRCommunity Arts in Vancouver: the Future
Facebook Page: Future of Community Arts (Vancouver)
Who? Here are some of the organizations who are participating:
King George Secondary Writers
Purple Thistle
St. George Creek & Greenway www.mtpleasantwatershed/
Check out Woodward’s Atrium
W2 Media Cafe link
Calgary Herald coverage of Occupy Vancouver meeting in Atrium click here
Walking Home Project shows various views of the Atrium incluidng from the top of the staircase. Click here.
Going to truck parts vancouver is like attending a fine art gallery.