On the morning of June 9th the rear windows of Sunset Community
Centre's foyer were transformed into an enormous glass canvas in
celebration of the rich diversity and multiculturalism in the Sunset
Neighbourhood. Patterning the Community was an interactive and
collaborative window mural project with artist
Juliana Bedoya that was based on patterns, images and markings that paid homage to our diverse ethnic backgrounds.

black ink, around 30 community members young and old contributed to
this temporary decorative art installation. The window mural activity
engaged community members to the point that some of them were very
inspired and worked for a long period of time on their cultural
patterns. These included Punjabi writing, the French fleur de lis,
clouds, rain, Indian and Chinese symbols, Japanese flowers, Latin and
African inspired geometric shapes, a Taiwanese boat, a Jewish star of
David, the city of Vancouver, batman and other multicultural traces were
left on the window panels.
People also had the chance to participate in the four activities facilitated by artist
Laura Barron
happening on the tables at the lobby that directed them to create each
challenge with a different medium on a specific surface (ie. chalk on
black construction paper; colored pencil on notecards) created an
attractive and consistent aesthetic.
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